Town and Country Animal Hospital, PC

1865 Centre Line Road
Warriors Mark, PA 16877


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Hyperthyroidism Medication for Cats (Methimazole)

The most common medication prescribed to treat feline hyperthyroidism is called methimazole (trade name Tapazole or Felimazole). This medication has virtually r ...

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Feeding Tubes for Dogs and Cats

As most of us know, good nutrition and adequate fluid intake are crucial to good health.  When a pet is ill, this becomes even more important. Yet for various r ...

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Natural Pet Food from Mother Nature

I'm fed up with "natural" equating "so much healthier to eat than processed crap." We see the claim "natural!!!" in so many manufactured food products, pet and ...

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Flea Anemia in Cats and Dogs

It is important to get the message out early: Fleas aren't just a nuisance. They drink blood, and blood loss can kill.In almost every case, the owner had no ide ...

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